不良少年维尼与梅文有学不上,反而计划在校歌唱比赛中登台爆粗来让校长出丑,两人兴致勃勃排练勤力,但这样也无法排遣维尼对昔日兄弟肖恩的怀念,肖恩如今与艾瑞克走在一起,两帮人势同水火时常刀棍相见。肖恩为泄愤在街头殴打维尼的朋友阿玛尼后,又同一班英语不离口的“英国仔”发生争执,导致被对方追打,关键时刻阿玛尼带人杀到,救下肖恩与艾瑞克。肖恩满心愧疚,开始帮助阿玛尼实现他的跳楼自杀计划。与阿玛尼分别的肖恩和艾瑞克再次回到烦闷的日子中,二人靠人体藏毒维持生活,不停逃避令人沮丧的人生…… 本片获2003年新加坡国际电影节影评人奖,2004年布宜诺斯艾利斯国际独立电影节最佳导演奖等褒奖。Fast, frenetic, and furious, 15 is the story of five Singaporian teenagers who, abandoned by the system and estranged from their parents and life in general, build their own world in which gangs, drugs, fighting, piercing, self-harm and suicide are common and brotherhood is important above all else. Presents the chaotic lives of these boys, living in the shadows of a sprawling metropolis and with only each other to rely on.