非洲裔作家塞巴斯蒂安·克莱恩在前往德国东部的普利特维茨参加读书会时,意外收到了当地新纳粹的一份“大礼”——刻在头上的纳粹标志。不仅如此,他还失去了记忆,成了新纳粹的一份子。他的女友尼娜察觉有异,于是驱车前往普利特维茨,和乡村警察萨沙一起寻找男友。另 一方面,新纳粹小头目斯万为了赢得同为新纳粹的多琳的爱不惜试图重演历史,挑起德国与波兰之间的战争。作家的爱情和一个国家的未来都面临着巨大挑战。(小易甫字幕组)The African-German writer Sebastian Klein is one of the most famous Author of Germany. To promote his latest book, he is on reading-tour through Germany and also visits the little city of Prittwitz. But there, the local Neo-Nazis give him a hit on his head and Sebastian looses his memories. Instead he is parroting everything other people tell him. Sven, the political leader of a modern National Socialist Party, recognizing the opportunity and uses Sebastian as a promotion speaker against integration. When Sebastians highly pregnant girlfriend Nina is seeing him on TV, she is shocked and starts to chase him with the policeman Sascha in order to safe him from the Neo Nazis.