本片横跨六年时间记述挖掘了香港钢琴神童黄家正在音乐和人生上的成长历程。黄家正作为十一岁便赴捷克与专业交响乐团合作演出的天才神童,在香港本土更是获得无数赞誉。这样的成就在其他人看来已经非常圆满,可是天才的孤独和苦闷只有他自己知道。与兄弟姐妹的矛盾、与同校同学的隔阂、与父亲的分歧,本片在记述黄家正音乐生涯的同时也通过记述他亲人、恩师罗乃新等人之间的关系,侧面刻画了这一神童作为平凡的孩子的一面。六年的心路历程,让观众看到了黄家正从一个桀骜不驯的天才儿童向一个成熟少年蜕变的过程。 本片在香港本土和台湾地区获得极大声誉。本片于2009年获得第46届金马奖最佳剪辑、最佳音效及最佳纪录片奖项,2010年获得第16届香港电影评论学会大奖最佳电影奖。KJ is a biography of a HK musical genius. At the age of 11, KJ won the Best Pianist price and went to Czech to perform with a professional orchestra. Touching on subjects such as the meaning of life, God and the artistic process, the director's 6-year-conversations with KJ reveal how a young man inspires by his music teacher, Nancy Loo and how he conflicts with his peers and parents. KJ is not about the victory of a genius, but how he learns to be a \"human being\".