
200家汽车旅馆:200 Motels


UK - 98 min. - Color
AKA Two-Hundred Motels
Director:Tony Palmer, Frank Zappa


The Mothers of Invention - Themselves
Theodore Bikel - Rance Muhammitz
Ringo Starr - Larry the Dwarf
Lucy Offerall - Groupies
Pamela Miller - Interviewer
Frank Zappa - Himself
Mark Volman - Member of Mothers of Invention
George Duke - Member of Mothers of Invention
Howard Kaylan - Member of Mothers of Invention
Keith Moon - The Hot Nun (听上去满好玩吧)
Don Preston - Member of Mothers of Invention

Frank zappa的音乐怪是怪了点,但是好东西,30多年前他也玩弄电影,延续了他音乐中的怪诞成分,有趣好看,不过却不能称作伟大,想来他也没把伟大当回事吧,就是玩耍,玩耍一下。

《200家汽车旅馆》是关于音乐人在路上的片子——两个没有拍片经验的外行根本不需要剧本,本着少花钱快办事的原则,在一周之内拍出的东西。片子里可以看到ZAPPA著名的GROUPIE-PAMELA MILLER(也和Mick Jagger,Jim Morrison有染,她后来写了《我和乐队:骨肉皮自白》一书,也是2001年电影Almost Famous中Penny Lane的原型 )。片子以"What can we do with the musician in society- what is his purpose?" 这种大问题开始,注定他不会给出答案,他们属于一小撮人,他们只能在自己的路上。另请留意片中的音乐。


200家汽车旅馆200 Motels(1971)


主演:Frank Zappa Mothers of Invention Theodore Bikel 

导演:Tony Palmer / Frank Zappa / 
