"The running line of what could be sensed but not heard was ominous, threatening, sensuously compelling in ways that spoke to skin and nerve-ends.
It was like the moment one receives the biopsy report.
It was like the feeble sound an unwatered plant makes in the instant before all reserve moisture dries from the tap root and the green turns to brown.
It was like the sigh of anguish from the victim of voodoo at the instant the final pin is jammed into the ju-ju doll half a continent away.
It was like the cry of a mother brought to see the tiny, crushed form lying beneath the blanket on a busy intersection.
It was like the kiss of a spider."

真是讲故事的天才。我并不是科幻迷,可是单这一两分钟绘声绘色的描述就吸引住了我。 愣是一动不动的将整个访谈看完。感恩TVO中间不插播广告啊。

"In every human being there is only so large a supply of love.
It's like the limbs of a starfish, to some extent.
If you chew off a chunk, it will grow back.
But if you chew off too much, the starfish dies.
Valerie B. chewed off a chunk of love from my dwindling reserve ...
a reserve already nibbled by Charlotte and Lory and Sherri and Cindy and others down through the years.
There's still enough there to make the saleable appearance of a whole creature,
but nobody gets gnawed on that way without becoming a little dead.
So, if Cupid (that perverted little motherfucker) decides his lightning ought to strike this gnarly tree trunk again,
whoever or whatever gets me is going to get a handy second, damaged goods, something a little dead and a little crippled.

Having learned that, all I can advise is an impossible stance for all of you:
utter openness and reasonable caution.
Don't close yourself off, but jeezus, be careful of monsters with teeth.
And just so you know what they look like when they come clanking after you.
The package is so pretty, one can only urge you to remember Pandora.
Be careful which boxes you open, troops."


guilt, Chinese food,找到身上痛的每一个关节,然后唠叨个不休~

他网站首页是他跟第六任太太的合影,不是最甜蜜但绝对是最般配的一对。 他们可以跟朋友笑谈两口子吵架,男的把女的推出门,naked,女的狂砸门要他开门的事儿。只有她才能stand up to他。也唯有她能坦然接受他24小时的癫狂,而没put a gun in his/her head。只有她能受得了他的蜘蛛之吻,并在其中汲取营养变得璀璨。

另外,看到连这样七十多岁的角斗士看到小时候跟父母的片段还泪光闪闪,说录像里父亲是有多帅啊,还曾搂着他肩膀;回忆起小时候被bully欺负到头破血流,回家妈妈边给他清洗伤口,边问是不是他先说了什么,依然是那样的心痛,并作了一个利刃剜心的动作。如若将来我有小孩子,一定保证他们多跟父亲玩耍嬉戏, 一定永远站在他们这边,永远不怀疑他们,不要说任何会伤害他们心的话。

结尾处,他借蚂蚁的口说:天塌下来了怎么办呢?I do what I can。

Bitter, angry, yet with so much passion.
A person who is truly alive and himself.

Harlan Ellison Dreams With Sharp Teeth(2008)


主演:哈尔兰·艾莉森 罗宾·威廉姆斯 尼尔·盖曼 

导演:Erik Nelson / 

Harlan Ellison Dreams With Sharp Teeth的影评