黑镜:圣诞特别篇Black Mirror: White Christmas(2014)



主演:乔恩·哈姆 拉菲·斯波 奥娜·卓别林 娜塔丽·特纳 詹妮特·蒙哥马利 李丹 拉斯穆斯·哈迪克 

导演:卡尔·蒂贝茨 / 编剧:查理·布鲁克 Charlie Brooker


圣诞节将至,一间地处偏远的小木屋里,波特(拉菲·斯波 Rafe Spall 饰)和马特(乔恩·哈姆 Jon Hamm 饰)同坐一桌,用红酒和烤土豆庆祝这个银装素裹的节日。波特沉默寡言,无精打采,而马特却恰恰相反,为了逗波特讲话,他向波特讲述了自己的过去。   曾经的马特是一名“恋爱导师”,他通过摄像头和网络“远程操控”他的客户,让这些平日里无人问津的“宅男”们能够在派对山成功抱得美人归。然而,一场意外让马特决定永远离开这个他经营得风生水起的行当,此间究竟发生了什么?听了马特的叙述,波特终于决定向马特讲述自己的故事,这个故事关乎于他和他的女友,但并不完全关乎于爱情。
Plot Summary:In a remote cabin Joe Potter reluctantly celebrates Christmas with the enigmatic Matt who starts to tell Joe about his previous jobs. In one he guided the nervous Harry into picking up the desirable Jennifer through an implant in the boy's head through which Matt shouted instructions though Matt could not foresee that it would end in disaster. As a result his wife blocked him out of her life via a device which, by pressing a button, completely obliterated the person in question. His next job involved transferring peoples' brains into tiny robotic replicas of themselves through which they could control gadgets but he could control their life span, selling them to the gaming industry. Joe then tells Matt how the love of his life, Bethany, fell pregnant but did not want the baby and blocked him before disappearing. Later, after Bethany's death, Joe sees the child but gets a shock and an even bigger one when he realizes who Matt is and what he has been sent to do. The job done, Matt is also in for an unpleasant surprise.


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