
欢乐一家亲 第十季:0104

I have a suggestion for you, Stu. Grow the hell up! I am 38 and I feel 38. Now I know we’re all supposed to act like perpetual teenagers these days, but you know what? I like acting my age. I like being a mom. I like having a career. And I like balancing my check book! When did it become such a bad thing to be an adult? Don’t get me wrong! I have a great time when I was younger. I did! But after a while, that way of life just seems ... empty. You have to go deeper, and commit to things that really matter to you. Believe me, when you do that, you’ll find out how amazing and rich life can be.

欢乐一家亲 第十季Frasier(2002)


主演:凯尔希·格兰莫 Kelsey Grammer 简·丽芙丝 Jane Leeves 大卫·海德·皮尔斯 David Hyde Pierce 佩里·吉普林 Peri Gilpin 约翰·马奥尼 John Mahoney 


欢乐一家亲 第十季的影评

Zoey • 0104
Ω • 第八集