

J: Very simple. I believe that you had a very good relation with Mauricio.
H: Yep.
J: I love that. I always think good relationship with the previous man, then why not a good relation with me?
H: Yeah.


J: So I see you training yesterday, I have no doubts that you are a giver. That's my feeling.


J: The world looks to English football with incredible respect, but they still think that the movie stars of football, they belong to other places.
H: Yeah.


J: And I think we have, we have to build also your status in that direction.
H: Yeah.
J: My profile, I am a little bit
H: I know.
J: I am a little bit that as a coach. The reality is that my dimension is universal. And by being with me,
I think I can help you to...
H: Yeah, that's my aim, you know. When you're at a club like Tottenham, of course, we've done well, personally, I've done well...


J: but it's not enough.
H: I want to be Ronaldo and Messi.
J: Yes.
J: What I don't accept, because that's my fucking nature, I don't accept to be here... doing, winning nothing. Fucking hell. I don't, but I feel that we can.
H: Yeah.


J: Because of you. You know, you have better players than I had at Manchester United. So I think the club has a lot to explode.
H: Yep.
J: I'm here.
H: I appreciate that.
J: OK?
H: Good.




J: OK. So what I want to tell you basically is this, Um... I think you feel that I like you.
A: Yeah.


J: You feel I like you as a player and I like you also as a kid. I think you are a nice kid. I don't want to be your father because you have your father. I don't want to be your uncle or your old brother. I just want to be your coach, but with a good connection. So I have to tell you always what I think. Inside of you, maybe you tell me to fuck off. But I have to tell you exactly what I think.


J: And for me, since the beginning, I had no doubts about your potential. I saw you do incredible matches and incredible things. But I always felt that you had ups and downs. There is a huge difference between a player that keeps consistency and a player that has moments. And that is what makes a difference between a top, top player and a player with a top potential.


A. 这里只有一句“you had ups and downs”,是直接说“you”。接下来说的是“a player”。我们都有被批评教育过,如果上来都是“你你你”,是不是心里不舒服?这会直接激发人的自我防御。

B. 🐦的整段话没有提到好或者坏。他说了一句废话:“世界上有稳定的球员,和不稳定的球员,有顶级球员,和顶级天赋球员”。本质上和“这里有两棵树,一棵是枣树,另一棵也是枣树”是一样的。这让人很难反驳。

J: It's something you don't have to share with me. I think it's just for you to analyse yourself. And to realise why my career has been OK. M.K. Dons to the national team. Bang! And then you reach the top. And then... Why you have in your career these little ups and downs. I don't know. I don't know if it has to be your lifestyle. If in one period, you are an amazing professional. If in another period, you become a party boy, going... I don't know. I have no idea. Only you can know that.




J: I am 56 now.And yesterday... yesterday I was 20. Not again. And today I'm 56. Time flies. Time flies. And I think one day, I think you will regret... if you don't reach what you can reach. I'm not expecting you to be man of the match every game. I'm not expecting you to score goals every game. I want just to tell you that I think you will regret.


J: You should demand more from you. Not me demanding more from you. Not me. Nobody. You. I think you should demand more from you.

“You should demand more from you”重要的话说了两遍。因为这是谈话的核心,重复加深印象。

A: No, I understand.
J: Thank you, mate.
A: Thank you.
