对这部片子比较感兴趣,但是没有听懂所有台词,所以特意请朋友,一个真正的Sigur Rós粉丝做了记录,分享给有缘人。就不翻译了,功力不够,翻不出精髓,有意者用Google翻译页面即可。


He: God trusted me with your life. But I'm a fraud.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the blood running through trees and the war that is about to begin.

I'm sorry. I've been gutted. I know I let you down.

Remember,that this life is just another illusion. If only I could move

in and out of nonexistence to the space between places. Space.

She: Space... Space... Space between places... I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. Dad!...

He: Don't be afraid Sara. Love everything. Love... everything.

Both: Love everything.

She:Fear only brings death to the soul.

He:I know that now.

★★导演评论director's comments ★★(来自一个搜索到的人人网页面http://page.renren.com/601215602/note/887988658)

sigur rós's music always evokes a strong emotional feeling in me. the film tells the story about a young girl sara, played by elle fanning, who confronts the imminent death of her father, played by john hawkes. the story is set in the desolate landscape of an economic collapse. it's about the fine line between keeping it together and the feeling of helplessness when life just doesn't work any longer. but the story is not only about sorrow, but about hope, love and the loss of fear, rebirth and reincarnation. the idea that we possibly have travelled through time with the same souls in different roles. the daughter now holds her father as he begins a new life in her arms. it was a rewarding experience working with both elle and john. i highly respect both their talents.

神秘影片试验计划#16 寻找慰藉(2012)


主演:Elle Fanning John Hawkes 

导演:FLORIA SIGISMONDI / 编剧:约翰·哈克斯 John Hawkes

神秘影片试验计划#16 寻找慰藉的影评