Social Media Analytics的教授让每人选择一个最关心的联合国SDG(Sustainable Development Goals可持续发展目标,详见,早早选了SDG5 Gender Equality的我开始佛系做功课。粗浅随手记:


1. “Recruited by myself” 国家妇女组织NOW成立伊始,报名加入的成员在表格上如此填写

2. “Male chauvinism up against the wall!”

3. “所有职务中最重要的角色是组织者”

4. “...that it was their voice and their desires for change that gave a movement its power.”

5. They gave rise to women’s consciousness of a need to operate on an equal basis.

6. The guys, their names went on things, they became the spokespeople. We were used to lick the envelopes. 他们是发言人而我们舔信封

7. The big insight of the women’s movement was that personal is political.

8. give a hex to 向...施魔法

9. overthrow male supremacy with this movement 以这场运动颠覆男性霸权

10. consciousness-raising

11. shameless hussy 无耻荡妇

12. ...the voice of one is used as the voice of all, then you have a problem.

13. ...and that’s why consciousness-raising was so appealing, because so much of our lives we could not speak of.

14. call on the carpet 训斥,责备

15. the absolute precondition for women’s emancipation 解除女性束缚的先决条件

16. “We were inventing things and that is a very interesting edge to be on.”

17. “I feel oppressed just by the fact that you exist.”

18. “The really dangerous thing was talk. Because telling the truth and talking is very revolutionary.”

19. “And that we have your attention, and that we have the headlines in the media. You didn’t make us. We’re making you take us seriously.”

20. “...But this (freedom) is a moving target. Freedom is something that is over the horizon, and you can’t stop sailing toward it just because you don’t reach it.”

她在愤怒时最美She's Beautiful When She's Angry(2014)


主演:Chude Pamela Allen Heather Booth 

导演:Mary Dore /