《天堂 — 旅行三部曲》


Elina Hirvonen’s的《天堂 –旅行三部曲》是一部关于非洲移民到欧洲的富有诗意的纪录片。在第一段旅程中,我们沿着西红柿货车去往西班牙艾美利亚的线路,而这条线路也是非洲的非法移民将他们收割的蔬菜运送给欧洲消费者的一条线路。路上,我们遇到了24岁的Bakary Fofana,为了实现梦想,他离开了自己的家乡马里。追求更好的生活。第二段旅程把我们带到了摩洛哥,在这里有无数的移民,为了能够去往欧洲,他们愿意付出一切,不惜任何代价。在这儿,我们遇见了在象牙海岸从战争中逃出来的Adam。此时的他,已从摩洛哥和毛里塔尼亚边界的沙漠走了1000多公里,迈向首都Rabat.第三段旅程则是越过沙漠,去往Bakary Fofana位于马里和毛里塔尼亚边境的家乡。

身兼记者和作家身份的Elina Hirvonen毕业于赫尔辛基艺术学院UIAH, School of Motion Picture, Television and Production Design.她的处女作“当我忘记了(When I Forgot)”于2005年在芬兰推出,授权予英国,瑞典,德国,波兰,爱沙尼亚,意大利,冰岛的出版商进行翻译。目前定居赞比亚。

Elina Hirvonen | 芬兰 | 2007 | 51 分钟 | Mini DV | 西班牙语,法语, 班巴拉族语, 索宁克语配中英文字幕
Paradise – Three Journeys in this World

A documentary film about dreams, immigrants and Spanish tomatoes

”I thought that when I go to Europe, everything would be fine. When I came to Europe, I cried. When I came to Spain, I cried.”

Elina Hirvonen’s Paradise – Three Journeys In This World is a poetic documentary about immigration from Africa to Europe. In the first journey we travel along the route of tomato trucks to Almeria, Spain, where illegal immigrants from Africa harvest vegetables for European consumers. We meet 24-year-old Bakary Fofana, who, dreaming of a better life, has left his home village in Mali. The second journey takes us to Morocco, where numerous immigrants are willing to do anything to get to Europe. We meet Adam, who has escaped war in the Ivory Coast. He has walked over 1000 kilometres from the desert on the border of Morocco and Mauritania to the capital, Rabat. The third journey takes us through the desert to Bakary Fofana’s home village on the border of Mali and Mauritania.

about the director:
Elina Hirvonen works as a journalist and author. She also studies documentary film at the University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH, School of Motion Picture, Television and Production Design. Her debut novel ‘When I forgot’ was published in Finland 2005, and the translation rights have been sold to British, Swedish, German, Polish, Estonian, Italian and Icelandic publishers. She currently lives in Zambia.

Elina Hirvonen | Finland | 2007 | 51 minutes | Mini DV | Spanish, French, Bambara, Soninke 
with Chinese & English subtitles

天堂 — 旅行三部曲(2007)



导演:Elina Hirvonen / 

天堂 — 旅行三部曲的影评