
My name is Nadia Vall and I am the main persona in the "documentary" the "Girl Story".

The two film makers David Raymon and Ashley Sabin came to Russia and Japan to film a documentary about me and the modeling business.However what they have actually done is that they have cut and pasted segments of that film so that the result purely suites their needs and does not reflect the truth or the reality in any manner. We now have come to sadly realize that their intent was not to film a true documentary but rather, they wanted to make a film to portray a very negative image on the modeling business in general. They wanted to cast a dark shadow on the modeling industry so then they could create a negative sensation that usually interests the Western public more and excites the Media.

Moreover, what they have done is a gross disgrace to journalism and a big slap to the fashion industry. They have poured dirt on Japanese agencies in particular that absolutely do not deserve such a negative image. These two producers have no regard to the other innocent people involved in their fraudulent film and have no moral or ethical values. Their true motive is simply greed - as they have used me a - 13 year old girl then and have tricked and used many other people to make a false and disgusting "documentary" to simply make money. Today they are lying to the whole world as they are trying to gain fame by pretending to be "protectors" of young models.

However, now that I have grown, let me speak the truth about David Raymon. He is a psychologist who is a knifing manipulator and a sexual predator. I think he picked me - a 13 year old girl, and targeted me from day one deliberately. During his visit to Japan he made sexual advances at me. He told me that he was above God and that he had the power to destroy my career and he started pressuring me.... I started crying and I wanted to go home and he took advantage of that and started filming..... He flew to Japan alone several times to meet with me. Until today David keeps calling me as he is obsessed by me.

I think the Fashion Industry and the Movie Industry should be aware of sick sexual predators like David Raymon. He is a great danger to young girls world wide and especially to young models. He should be barred from filming or even from coming close to young girls.

The whole documentary is a hoax as the "protector" is the real predator. He is the hungry wolf in the chickens' hen disguised in a sheep skin.

Hereby, I would like to conclude that I am a very happy and satisfied model. Above all, I am very grateful to Noah Models for being where I am today as they found me, and gave me the rare opportunity to travel and work world wide. I also would like to thank Japan for being such a great country for opening its doors wide to many beginning models, who get a great career start there. I love modeling and I hope to reach the very top of the Fashion Business some day.

The world should know the truth, and the "Girl Story" is NOT a true story and maybe the True Girl Story is yet to be made.


Nadia Vall

想做模特的女孩Girl Model(2012)


主演:Ashley Arbaugh Rachel Blais Tigran Khachatrian Nadya Vall 

导演:David Redmon / Ashley Sabin /