
”This is Neal Spelce in Red Rover on the University of Texas campus.This is a warning to the citizens of Austin.Stay away from the University area.Stay away from the University area.There is a sniper on the University Tower firing at wili.”

那是极其炎热的一天,是1966年8月1日。 中午12时左右,在美国德州奥斯汀市,前美国海军陆战队成员查尔斯•乔瑟夫•惠特曼(Charles Joseph Whitman)爬上了德州大学的一个钟楼,并向钟楼底下的行人开枪,于13时20分被奥斯汀警方击毙。他的袭击共造成16人死亡、至少30人受伤。

孕妇Claire和她的男友Tom最早一批受到袭击。Claire受伤后,Rita冒险来到Claire身边鼓励她。而John经过犹豫终救下Claire。当然更多的人只是躲避、围观和感叹。从枪击开始就有许多人自发的用猎枪远距离进行还击,但收效甚微。真正进入最终进入钟塔的是4人,3名警官和一个叫Allen的店堂经理。其间,媒体做着各种一线资料的采集和信息的发布。最后,警官Ramiro 、Houston击毙了歹徒。


正如一个受访者所言, ”That was the moment that separated the brave people from the scared people.(这是个区分勇者和懦者的时刻。)I knew that there was no way that I was going to go out there and help him.I didn’t wanna get shot.(我知道我没有办法过去帮助他,因为我不想冒中弹的风险。)That was a defining moment because I realized I was a coward.(这是个具有决定意义的时刻,因为我意识到我是个懦夫。)”。

高龄的Houston 回忆起受伤的同伴,又一次谈起让他懊悔地红着眼眶语无伦次。

“But…but…but……didn’t happen that way. Shoulda-coulda but I didn’t ……so I don’t know.If somebody were to ask how you feel,well,I’d say no words.”
“It’s something …I’ve been asked that before. How … how did it make you feel ? And then I kinda have to say ,”Well…how would I describe the colors of a rainbow to a person born blind? You can’t, cause there ain’t no words. Uh ,I don’t know.”

“I’ve never known braver men.Their decisions were correct timely done,and accomplished in an honorable manner.If I had to do this over again with these men,I certainly would.The Chief of Police offered me a check from the City of Austin for one day’s deputized citizen’s pay.I refused it, of course.” (Allen Crum)

晚些时候的KTBC Television NEWS SPECIAL节目里放送了这样的评论内容
KTBC Television News now presents a special program on today’s mass murder in the capital city.Here is KTBC Television News Editor ,Neal Spelce. “Good evening. One of history’s worst mass-murders occurred here in Austin today. By official count tonight,49 persons were hit by gunfire.There are 16 dead and 33 injured. It started last night,when a man reportedly killed his wife and his mother.That same man appatently rounded up an arsenal and supplies this morning and then went to the observation deck of the University of Texas Tower.It was then that rerror rained down from the Tower.Charles J.Whitman was shot down on the observation deck by two city policeman.The policeman were aided by an Austin man,Allen Crum. The story of how they ended the 90 minutes of terror was told this afternoon at a news conference held by Austin Police Chief Bob Miles.The horror of these, the sick among us,must be found in the horror of out hyper civilization. A strange pandering to violence, a disrespect for life fostered in part by governments, which in pursuit of the doctrine of self-defense,teach their youth to kill and to maim. A society in which the most popular newspaper cartoon strips television programs,and movies are those that can invent new means of perpetrating bodily harm. A people who somehow can remain silent while their own civilization seems to crumble under the force of the caveman’s philosophy. That might makes right. It seems likely that Charles Joseph Whitman’s crime was society’s crime.”

我是在想啊,击毙Charles Joseph Whitman未必是最好的选择,当然击毙又只能是情急之下的必然选择。只是,如果时光回到那个时刻。如果Charles Joseph Whitman能有机会留下自白的话,他会说些什么?到底是什么在困扰他。在整个杀害家人、袭击民众的暴力事件发生中,他又在想什么?这些都是事件留下的永恒空白,没法填补。但是我们能联想:战争造成创伤,自我封闭,情绪膨胀………

“I remember looking at the Tower ,of course ,a lot.And from the Main Mall ,you can see there’s a biblical line from the Bible.You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. I’ve thought about it.One of the truths I learned is that there are monsters that walk among us.There are people out here that think unthinkable thoughts and then do unthinkable things.”
没错, Charles Joseph Whitman的行为固然荒唐,但我们能做的一定不只有愤怒。

在接近尾声处,很高兴能看到Claire 说出forgive(原谅)这个词。尽管她在事件中痛失孩子爱人,但她说看到杂志里一个如此小的男孩子手握两杆长枪的图片,她于心不忍去责怪。
“Thtough the years ,he remained largely kind of wooden in my mind.But the longer I’ve lived and the more I’ve seen,these precious little children who grow up and do sometimes horrible things,the more I have come to think of him as a very confused,very damaged young man.He died at about 25.There’s a picture of him standing at three years old holding a rifle on either side on the beach.I just think of him when he was that three-year-old who would have been sitting in my lap,you know.I’m a teacher ,and I love that age.So much promise and so much hope.How can I hate somebody like that?I can’t hate him , in spite of the incredible damage that he’s done.I can’t hate him.I just can’t do that. I forgive him yes.How can I not forgive? I’ve been forgiven so much.” (Claire)

是啊,他还只是个孩子。我想知道,在Charles Joseph Whitman与自我彼此折磨的岁月里,有没有出现过那么一个人,他能够对之敞开心扉呢?或许某个瞬间,他也想过向周围表达他的软弱?可能是碰触了迟钝麻木的周遭,于是只能堕入越来越深的黑暗里。所以啊,我们,漠视消极情绪我们,把坚强视作理所当然的万能膏药、甚至吝啬一个拥抱的我们,是不是就是罪行的催产妇呢。

《地下》,与这部电影有着异曲同工之妙。村上在筹备的一年多时间里采访了62位事件亲历者的叙述,以文本方式整理,致力于还原毒气事件本身。 关于此书产生的动机,村上在前言中这样说。

“Well ,to say it hasn’t affected me in my life,it would’t be a truthful statement,But I have ,um…tried. I have tried to just forget it.I hate to see people get hurt.But ,you know you have to be realistic and know that these things are gonna happen.And so you have to have the way how to cope with it, how to take care of the problems.”





主演:维奥莱特·比恩 路易·阿内特 布莱尔·杰克逊 蒙蒂·缪尔 克里斯·杜贝克 里斯·埃弗雷特·瑞安 约瑟芬·麦克亚当 凯伦·戴维森 

导演:基思·梅特兰 / 编剧:基思·梅特兰 Keith Maitland/萨拉·威尔逊 Sarah Wilson