
伊萨克(维克多·斯约斯特洛姆 Victor Sjöström饰)从医50年,现年已是将近八十岁的高龄,正准备在儿媳的陪伴下返回母校接受荣誉学位颁发。路上伊萨克顺道重游旧地,追忆往事。   伊萨克曾经和堂妹萨拉(毕比·安德森 Bibi Andersson饰)有过美好的初恋,却因性格冷酷孤僻,以致他的兄弟乘虚而入。如今伊萨克坐在草坪上,忆起往昔,眼前浮现萨拉白衣飘飘的美丽模样。   他与生俱来的冷漠理智的性格,注定了婚姻的失败。伊萨克的妻子无法忍受冰冷的婚姻,寻求外遇。这样的家庭气氛,加上遗传下来的冷漠秉性,使得伊萨克的儿子不愿生小孩,和儿媳关系决裂。   伊萨克获得了光荣的学位荣誉,然而他仍然沉浸在对过往沉重的自省中,对于生命将尽的老人,这仿佛是一次心灵救赎之旅。
Plot Summary:With the exception of his elderly housekeeper Miss Agda who he treats almost like a surrogate platonic wife, widowed seventy-eight year old Dr. Isak Borg, a former medical doctor and professor, has retreated from any human contact, partly his own want but partly the decision of others who do not want to spend time with him because of his cold demeanor. He is traveling from his home in Stockholm to Lund to accept an honorary degree. Instead of flying as was the original plan, he decides to take the day long drive instead. Along for the ride is his daughter-in-law Marianne, who had been staying with him for the month but has now decided to go home. The many stops and encounters along the way make him reminisce about various parts of his life. Those stops which make him reminisce directly are at his childhood summer home, at the home of his equally emotionally cold mother, and at a gas station where the attendants praise him as a man for his work. But the lives of other people they encounter almost mirror his own, including hitchhikers Sara, Viktor and Anders - who remind him of his cousin Sara who he was going to marry, himself and his irresponsible brother Sigfrid who Sara eventually married - a bickering married couple Sten and Berit Alman, and Marianne and her husband and Isak's son Evald, whose marriage is as strained as was his own.


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找到一篇很不错很用心的评论 【原文出处】《北京电影学院学报》2007年5期第1~10页 【作者简介】

[已注销] • 最远的距离


思考的猫 • 从此,他与死神安然下棋――我眼中的伯格曼和他的电影


laputa • 野草莓--知识的徒劳


淋漓 • 《野草莓》的心理分析批评

摘要: 本文将以心理分析批评的方法粗浅的对英格玛 伯格曼的电影《野草莓》做以简单的分析,这其