一个风骚女人Une femme coquette(1955)

又名:一个风骚女人(短篇) / A Flirtatious Woman


主演:Maria Lysandre Roland Tolmatchoff 让-吕克·戈达尔 

导演:让-吕克·戈达尔 / 编剧:莫泊桑 Guy de Maupassant/让-吕克·戈达尔 Jean-Luc Godard


Plot Summary:Using money earned from selling Opération 'Béton' (1958), Jean-Luc Godard's adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story named "Le Signe" (The Signal), was shot on 16mm in Geneva and was believed for decades to be irretrievably lost. While walking back home on a Friday morning, a married young woman notices another woman at her window, offering swift and light smiles at male passersby, and as soon as they locked eyes with her, she made a signal. Intrigued, the woman decides to indulge herself in an innocent but crazy idea, and without second thought, she heads to the nearest bench at Rousseau Park to do just that: throw a smile at the first man she saw. Is this modern coquette really guilty of flirting?


严彬 • 从来就没有人爱上他!都他妈的只做哥哥和朋友……


布丁长颈鹿 • quote

Short films are to cinema what poems are to litera