又是一部密集爆梗式美漫,看这种情节天马行空的剧真的很想去编剧脑子里看看那里到底是个什么世界。不过感觉梗是重于故事的。虽然如此我居然一度有点嗑到Brett和Reagon,高情商高颜值重感情人气王X高智商深度社恐科学家,两个人都有一个screwed up的童年。Brett还穿越时空陪着小时候的Reagon去毕业舞会。看看,可以互相治愈还有历史纠葛,可以一嗑嘛!



-让robot president 上facebook五分钟,爱国情怀消失,得出结论best thing for humanity is to end it. 哈哈哈多么真实…

-机器人还有self pity chip,多么全面的人性化啊

-演唱爱国歌曲啦,clap or you are a traitor

-把Mountain rushmore上的罗斯福秒换成Reagon太好笑了。that’s real art of ass kissing


以及后面的“When I kill all humans, you will be spared. Only you, Joey.” 嗯确实谁能不喜欢Joey呢~

-Brett 对蜥蜴人校友:“I gave you my kidney!”

“And it was delicious”…


-社交恐惧症治愈器 给我来一套!

-0 self-doubt. I wonder what that would feel like…

-我尊重你才愿意对你说谎。people are just weird...and full of crap


-I guess everyone's nostalgia for the simpler times that never really existed.

-Hell yeah,I'm dead. Never felt more alive.

-“this is an honest conversation with a woman”

“stop! It's torture!”

-“We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy but because I'm hard”.


-Why do you think Felon laughs all the time? The CIA breaks his damn brain!

-“Don't sue us,Buzz Aldrin”…免责声明笑死…

-“awww Dad, distant hug!”

-“Lording your ethical superiority over people is not very ethical.”

“ethics aren't ethical? ”

hear hear,太多人把道德当作排除异己的武器了

- “Even here I can't say it out loud”

阴谋职场 第一季Inside Job(2021)


主演:威尔·布拉格罗夫 提莎·坎贝尔-马丁 丽兹·卡潘 安德鲁·达利 约翰·迪·马吉欧 克拉克·杜克 布伦特·吉尔曼 鲍比·李 克里斯蒂安·史莱特 Andrew Daly Bobby Lee 

导演:未知编剧:Shion Takeuchi