不知道这段mono是谁写的总之就是好喜欢好喜欢好喜欢... 这几天一直在loop... T▽T (我把我觉得精彩的句子用括号括起来了)

The Saint Padies.. though it is a little controversial. Gay people are not allowed to March in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. But let me just explain something to you. I know that's controversial, but gay people are very flamboyant and they can't march in that parade because you don't want ANYTHING to distract from the Dignity of that parade. You understand what I'm saying?
You don't want some gay guy checking you out ... when you're whizzing on the side of a building.
I don't know why people fear the gay agenda. Gay people don't seem to want all that much. They want to march in the Saint Padies Day Parade, they want to be in the army... Uh they want uh uh march in the Saint Paddies day, be in the army, get married. It's not that big of deal, why can't gay people be in the army? What's that about? What's the army afraid of gonna happen if gay people are in it?
【"Private! Shoot that man!" "Uh... I... can't, he's adorable.♥" 】
You know what I think? 【The army's afraid of a thousand gay guys with M-16's going - "Who'd you call a faggot?!" 】
They can't be in the boy scouts? I don't know who the Boy Scouts think they're kidding. I mean, c'mon! The Boy Scouts is already the gayest organization in America! 【The Definition of gay isn't same sex intercourse it's thousands of young boys wearing neckerchiefs ... eagerly awaiting next years Jamboree. 】Even The Village People think those outfits are gay.
What are they afraid of? With all that... I mean sexuality is what it is. I mean people can't convince you to do that. I mean I have a tape of a guy having sex with a pinata! I think or maybe that's how they get the candy in them. I don't know.
But it's no, you can't talk people in and out of that stuff, you just are what you are, 【your mind can be changed, your heart can be swayed, your penis is very stubborn. 】I'm telling you!
I mean if you were driving home and you passed a pumpkin field and you got a little tingling, and then the next night you drove past the pumpkin field again and you got another little tingling... I got bad news for ya!!! One night, you're banging a pumpkin!





主演:Jon Stewart Tina Fey Amy Poehler Rachel Dratch 

导演:Beth McCarthy-Miller / 编剧:Max Brooks/James Downey