那个白人男主角Marcel Schlutt是德国一档同志节目的主持人,但电影里的他一改平时逗趣的作风,显得很忧郁。他说:“这是只演过一次色情片(我们看到的此电影剪辑版本不色情,只是有少些露点而已,完全想象不到居然是Cazzo公司拍的),希望以后能继续演A片,这样便不用费工夫磨练演技。”
不过,他和另一主角之间确实有一场露骨的货真价实的性交戏,可惜导演把它放到了DVD特别版的花絮中了,无缘和我们见面。片子里只有他一段极其简短的手淫和浴室伦奸,勉强让我们窥到点Cazzo的影子。In Germany, twenty-something Dennis Tormann is serving a two-year prison sentence for credit card fraud. This term is his first ever behind bars. He is placed in one of the toughest cell blocks ruled by an inmate named Lutz, from who he tries to stay clear. Among other things, Lutz, supported by one of the guards named Muller, deals in drugs. Kevin Letarski, a young, slight inmate who is Lutz's whipping boy, befriends Dennis and tries to show him the ropes of prison life in their block. Although inexperienced with men, Dennis is attracted to Mike, a black American inmate in another cell block who is half way through his fifteen year sentence for murder. The attraction is mutual, and the two begin a relationship. Despite knowing that Muller, Lutz and his thugs do not like this relationship as it keeps Dennis out of their sight, Mike and Dennis, with Kevin's help, do whatever they can to spend time together while staying clear of Lutz's sadistic ways. Ultimately, Dennis has to decide ...