摄影师文森特·蒙代尔(伊万·阿达勒饰)因离婚而沮丧万分,失去孩子的抚养权更是令他一蹶不振。后来,文森特发现,自己的不幸原来是前同事约瑟夫·普兰德(克拉维斯·考尼莱克饰)造成的。这个卑鄙的小人用写匿名信和其他花招让文森特的生活濒于崩溃。文森特几次搬家都不能摆脱这个死对头,更可怕的是,约瑟夫的行动已经升级到要谋杀文森特的程度。绝境中,文森特唯一的希望就是以牙还牙,以更疯狂的劲头回击约瑟夫。A ruthless gang led by private detective Joseph Plender is extorting rich people and famous fashion photographer Vincent Mandel seems the next victim. He is married to Hélène, daughter of one of the richest people in Europe, but not quite happily. In fact the marriage is on the brink of a divorce and a judge is deciding who will take the two children. Can Hélène take them to Germany or will they stay with Vincent? Vincent has a lot on his mind and he improvises when model Sofia Kippiani comes to his studio, but his makeup crew doesn't show up. Before he knows it, he is accused of a rape. Things go worse and worse for Vincent, he sees his entire life slipping away and, most importantly, he might lose his children. But why does his former schoolmate Joseph Plender seek contact with Vincent and even solve a nasty problem for him? Does Plender want something more than money?