影片根据真实事件改编,讲述五个英国学生,为了“赚快钱”,开始盗刷信用卡,过上奢华生活。然而其中一人财迷心窍,不慎盗刷了臭名昭著的罪犯头子Marcel的信用卡。Marcel给他们两星期时间,偿还他们花掉的两百万。五个人因此铤而走险,打算在迈阿密大干一票,抢劫两千万。一边是性命悠关孤注一掷的计划,另一边五人之间还不慎团结,各自居心叵测,阴谋冲突不可避免……Plastic is based on a true story where a gang of friends managed to infiltrate one of the biggest credit card companies in the World and pull off one of the biggest and most audacious Diamond Heists ever committed in British History. Plastic is Catch Me If You Can meets The Italian Job.