守夜The Night Watch(2011)



主演:Anna Maxwell Martin Claire Foy Jodie Whittaker Harry Treadaway Anna Wilson-Jones Liam Garrigan Claudie Blakley Kenneth Cranham 

导演:理查德·莱克斯顿 / 编剧:莎拉·沃特丝 Sarah Waters/Paula Milne


故事发生在第二次世界大战之后,残酷的战争摧毁了不计其数的城市和村庄,无数原本幸福的家庭面临如今家破人亡的惨状,然而,即便如此,人们依然没有放弃修复和重建的希望,在满目疮痍之中,新的秩序正在逐渐建立。   在还未消散殆尽的硝烟之中,海伦(克莱尔·福伊 Claire Foy 饰)和薇薇(茱蒂·惠特克 Jodie Whittaker 饰)经营着一家婚姻介绍所,让身处乱世的男女们依然能够享受爱情的美好。可是,在牵起一根根红线之时,海伦和薇薇依然要面对各自生活中的黑暗面。与此同时,一个惊人的秘密折磨着薇薇的弟弟唐肯(哈里·崔德威 Harry Treadaway 饰),这个秘密的揭开无疑又将引起一场巨大的灾难。
Plot Summary:In post-war London, Viv Pearce is dating Reggie and runs a dating bureau with Helen Giniver, who lives with her older lover, authoress Julia Standing. Viv's younger brother Duncan, a gay man made to feel ashamed of his orientation, has been in prison and is sought out by his ex-cell-mate, Robert Fraser, who served time as a conscientious objector and is now concerned for the young man's welfare. Viv encounters Kay Langrish, a wealthy, reclusive, butch lesbian and for both women this evokes memories of the period three years earlier (1944) when Kay was an heroic ambulance driver in a happy, loving relationship with Helen -- before Kay introduced her to her ex-lover Julia. At that time, Viv and Reggie are forced to procure the services of a dentist moonlighting as an abortionist. About to die from blood loss, and having been abandoned by Reggie, Kay saves her from prosecution by claiming she was a married woman who had miscarried. Three years before that (1941) Kay and Julia are still an item and Viv meets unhappily married soldier Reggie on a train. Kay pulls Helen from the wreckage of a bombed house, finding the innocent young woman she has always wanted to love and care for. We also learn the gruesome details of why Duncan was in prison, which follows a suicide pact with the boy he loved, in response to the war and the draft. As the scene returns to 1947 there are happier endings for some and optimist outlooks for others as they move forward.


Matty • the night watch

其实,这CAST我实在是喜欢.整部剧觉得也还好,倒叙的手法描述. 这绝对是岛国的片啊.哎..\ 岛国

waya_melody • 背负过去的包袱,所以你无法寻找到快乐(剧透慎入)


nuan • The Night Watch

You do realise,now you've saved her,she's yours fo

鹿鸣之什 • 不可挽回的遗憾


冉笛 • 人类爱野蛮,胜过爱美

旧文,略做修改 人类爱野蛮,胜过爱美 ——莎拉·沃特斯小说的影像解读 我们在最动荡荒唐的年月相遇

wil • 原著与电影的区别。


阿朗 • 寡淡琐碎一个闷局

The Night Watch在我看来是一份偷懒的功课。我看到节奏相似的三段时间的故事,平分秋色,呆