之前一直在论坛看到有牛人推荐TED有多好,我想说,好吧,有时间就have a look, 但是这“有时间”就变成了没时间,这期间各种English的audio files我看了点儿,包括网易公开课里的名校演讲,诚然,名校演讲的确很精彩,因为给你个totally diffrerent angle of views about the education abroad尤其是美国的,看了希腊历史对欧美科学文化的影响,觉得那些老美思考问题是这么精准而又客观。但是它太系统也太长了,要花很多时间进去;也看了sss,好吧,我承认这也是the most novel developments from various fields of science and technology, 但是内容太少,而且说话太快,略显枯燥。这两种都不适合我,这时候something rings a bell to my ear, what have I forgotten? Right! the TED. 起初在网易公开课里搜TED, 但是只有中文字幕,显然这对我想锻炼词汇量和听力的要求是不够的,最完美的assistant sources are something that interesting and enlighting and meanwhile suitable for my promotion of listening. 于是我去TED的主页上去看资料,another surprising discovery is that the files on the website include variety of subtitles of different languges and we can even find Chinese!Of course, English is also in the list. How fasinating! 真正做到免费以及知识传播。美国重视科学、教育的态度一直没变,从二战时期起,这也是为什么二十世纪美国就把欧洲老大哥远远甩到后面的原因。这个国家一如既往秉持一百年前对人才的态度,regardless of gender, nationality, just think highly of talents and knowledge, 这样的国家如何能easily transcended? Ok,back to the TED, 我真的觉得就像徜徉在各种知识的海洋里,并且是最新最先进的科技,演讲者的performance又是那么的有趣而又出色,how could I stop being obsessed with all these amazing things! 而且还能熟悉各种professional vocabulary and terminology. On the other hand, we can be encouraged and motivated by all these experts and scientists!
I will end the short comment with the goal of the TED which is also my faith: Ideas worth spreading!

TED演讲集TED Talks(2006)

