原声的sudden advent: a realization of “oh this is film not reality! “
背景音乐也在操控与配合情节:可考虑experimental films about an opposite/irrelevant BGM with certain definite scenes.
我们对电影语言过于习以为常:knows too well of what to expect. And the directors know this fact. 导演扮演操纵者,而观众不质疑的顺从这类操纵。
Camera is the substitution of spectators’ eyes
Other arts: 绝对性的非真实;cinema: what you see might be true. Might be not.
Vertov is too honest. he even shows the audience that there is a camera between scenes and reality. Constantly reminding us that he’s the manipulator by exposing the cameraman, telling us to keep in mind that what we see on screen is not the “real” reality.
慢镜头,快镜头,time manipulation (compress, expand) Kuleshov effect:可考虑experiment on ANTI-Kuleshov effect,例如近景镜头1微笑,镜头2母亲哺乳,诱导情绪与结论,远景=微笑+虐待动物镜头,起到愚弄观众效果。
Look what we can do with movie! We can 记录,speed up, slow down, sound manipulate,分镜,利用kuleshov effect manipulation, super-imposed image (surrealism), compress/expand time, repeat image... 电影像是新玩具,我们应对电影本身保持好奇;情节与情绪都非必要,电影本身已足够有趣。以待探索。

持摄影机的人Человек с Киноаппаратом(1929)

又名:Man with a Movie Camera / The Man with a Movie Camera


主演:Mikhail Kaufman 

导演:吉加·维尔托夫 / 编剧:吉加·维尔托夫 Dziga Vertov


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