
牺牲:to be finished

What is the point of our life? I believe everyone is asking this question or asked this question at least once in their life.

The time order is not that accurate in the movie. Just after the scene the man is talking about civilization in the forest, then the camera comes to the destruction.

The movie starts with a picture of The Adoration of the Three Kings (The Visit Of The Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12), focusing on the part where the wise man is giving gift to Jesus. It is the beginning. But the music being used here is Matthäuspassion, telling the death of Jesus, which is the end. it aligns with the beginning and the ending of the movie, when the father or the son mentioned "In the beginning was the word" (quotes from Holy Bilble John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God")

In the scene when they heard about the war, every actor or actress just sit there, still, listening to the horrifying news. This kind of opposition give you a strong feeling of shock.

“人总是疲于奔命,防范着别人,防范着他周围的大自然。他总是强迫大自然,由此导致了一种建立在暴力、强权、恐惧和依附之上的文明。所有被人们称为技术进步的东西一向只用于生产一种标准的起居设备和发明武器以保卫权力。人们象野蛮人那样生活,使用显微镜可以象用捣锤那样。不,实际上,野蛮人有一种更特别的精神生活。人类一旦有了重大发现,就把这改变成武器。一位智者说过:“所有为生活所不必须的就是罪恶。这是对安逸的宣判。如果真是这样,那么我们全部的文明,由始至终就是建立在罪恶之上。我们达到一种不和谐,一种物质发展与精神发展的极不平衡…… 你明白,我们可怜的文化,或是说,我们的文明,它患病了。你懂了,孩子。你认为我们可以研究这个问题,并寻找一种可能的解决办法。对,我同意。也许,当时不那样晚,可现在太迟了。我真厌烦听自己说话:“废话,废话,废话”,现在我才明白哈姆莱特想说什么。那些喜欢高谈阔论的人,他不能容忍他们,完全是我的情况,我为什么说话?希望某人停止高谈阔论而去致力于某件有益的事情,这可能吗?至少应该试试。” The music being used here??

There are so many symbolic stuff in the movie. For example, the tree showing at the beginning and in the scene of forests are the tree in the portrait of The Adoration of the Three Kings (The Visit Of The Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12).

The angle of the camera is really interesting, too. For the scene of destruction, the camera gives the angle observing from above. When come to the scene where the postman carry the gift of the Europe, it give the angle observing from the right side.

The scene when the man sleeps with the witch housekeeper: the bed floats. ?????The man dreams about the destruction scene, all he loved.
Then the world is being saved and everything become fine. So he burnt his house and he is not allowed to speak about the reason to his friends and family.

The music at the end where the boy lay down at the tree.


又名:Le sacrifice / The Sacrifice

上映日期:1986-05-09(瑞典) / 1986-09-06(多伦多电影节)片长:149分钟

主演:厄兰·约瑟夫森 苏珊·弗利特伍德 艾伦·埃德渥 古德·吉斯拉德提尔 斯文·沃尔特 瓦莱莉·迈蕾丝 菲利帕·弗伦岑 汤米·谢尔奎斯特 

导演:安德烈·塔可夫斯基 / 编剧:安德烈·塔科夫斯基 Andrei Tarkovsky
